All of Goku’s Gi Symbols ExplainedKrillin - Fight Profile

Fight Record - All Krillin Fights
Spot a mistake? Click here to let us know!Result | Opponent | Location | Show | Age | Info |
Win | Cell Max | Earth | DBS | 783 |
Gamma 1/Gamma 2/Gohan/Piccolo/Trunks/Goten/Android 18/Krillin v Cell Max |DBS: Super Hero Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Krillin teamed up with Gamma 1 / Gamma 2 / Gohan / Piccolo / Trunks / Goten / Android 18 against Cell Max in this fight. RIP Gamma 2 but the good guys did win the fight! |
Loss | Frost | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Krillin v Frost |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Sneak attack by Frost was super effective. |
Win | Majora | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Krillin/Android 18 v Majora |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Krillin teamed up with Android 18 against Majora in this fight. |
Win | Shosa | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Krillin/Android 18 v Shosa |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Krillin teamed up with Android 18 against Shosa in this fight. |
Win | Dium | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Gohan/Krillin/Piccolo/Master Roshi v Dium |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Krillin teamed up with Gohan / Piccolo / Master Roshi against Dium in this fight. |
Draw | Botamo / Lavender / Comfrey / Shosa / Dercori | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Gohan/Piccolo/Tien/Krillin/Master Roshi v Botamo/Lavender/Comfrey/Shosa/Dercori |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Krillin teamed up with Gohan / Piccolo / Tien / Master Roshi against Botamo / Lavender / Comfrey / Shosa / Dercori in this fight. |
Draw | Goku | Earth | DBS | 780 |
Goku v Krillin/Android 18 |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Krillin teamed up with Android 18 against Goku in this fight. |
Win | Gohan | Earth | DBS | 780 |
Gohan v Krillin |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super
Win | Frieza Army | Earth | DBS | 779 |
Gohan/Jaco/Piccolo/Master Roshi/Tien/Krillin v Frieza Army |Golden Frieza Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Krillin teamed up with Gohan / Jaco / Piccolo / Master Roshi / Tien against Frieza Army in this fight. |
Loss | Dabura | Earth | DBZ | 774 |
Piccolo/Krillin v Dabura |Babidi Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Krillin teamed up with Piccolo against Dabura in this fight. Wasn't really a proper battle, but Dabura turned Piccolo and Krillin into stone with Goku and Vegeta sat back and watched. |
Win | Punter | Earth | DBZ | 774 |
Krillin v Punter |World Tournament Saga, Dragon Ball Z
Loss | Cell Juniors | Earth | DBZ | 767 |
Goku/Future Trunks/Piccolo/Vegeta/Krillin/Yamcha/Tien v Cell Juniors |Cell Games Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Krillin teamed up with Goku / Future Trunks / Piccolo / Vegeta / Yamcha / Tien against Cell Juniors in this fight. Even though Gohan interrupted the battle, it's clear most of the Z fighters were getting destroyed. If the fight had continued Krillin, Yamcha and Tien would have been killed quickly leaving the remaining Cell Juniors to gang up on the remaining fighters. |
Loss | Cell | Earth | DBZ | 767 |
Krillin/Android 16/Android 18/Future Trunks v Cell |Perfect Cell Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Krillin teamed up with Android 16 / Android 18 / Future Trunks against Cell in this fight. |
Loss | Frieza | Namek | DBZ | 762 | |
Loss | Frieza | Namek | DBZ | 762 | |
Win | Captain Ginyu | Namek | DBZ | 762 |
Vegeta/Goku/Gohan/Krillin v Captain Ginyu |Captain Ginyu Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Krillin teamed up with Vegeta / Goku / Gohan against Captain Ginyu in this fight. |
Loss | Recoome | Namek | DBZ | 762 | |
Win | Guldo | Earth | DBZ | 762 | |
Win | Frieza Army | Namek | DBZ | 762 |
Gohan/Krillin v Frieza Army |Namek Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Krillin teamed up with Gohan against Frieza Army in this fight. |
Draw | Dodoria | Namek | DBZ | 762 | |
Win | Vegeta | Earth | DBZ | 762 |
Goku/Krillin/Gohan/Yajirobe v Vegeta |Vegeta Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Krillin teamed up with Goku / Gohan / Yajirobe against Vegeta in this fight. This fight was very unfair to Vegeta, as he got ganged up on by all the remaining Z warriors. Vegeta turned into a great Ape but got his tail cutoff and slithered away in his spaceship. |
Loss | Nappa | Earth | DBZ | 762 |
Gohan/Tien/Piccolo/Krillin/Chiaotzu v Nappa |Vegeta Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Krillin teamed up with Gohan / Tien / Piccolo / Chiaotzu against Nappa in this fight. Nappa managed to wipe out Tien, Chatsou and Piccolo in this fight, leaving only Gohan and Krillin who were saved by Goku. A decisive victory for Nappa. |
Win | Saibamen | Earth | DBZ | 762 |
Piccolo/Krillin v Saibamen |Vegeta Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Krillin teamed up with Piccolo against Saibamen in this fight. Krillin does a good job of blasting the remaining Saibamen before Piccolo finishes them off. |
Loss | Raditz | Earth | DBZ | 761 |
Krillin v Raditz |Vegeta Saga, Dragon Ball Z - White Knight Krillin tried to defend his friends from Raditz, but ended up getting one punched. |
Loss | Piccolo | Earth | DB | 756 |
Krillin v Piccolo |Piccolo Jr. Saga, Dragon Ball
Loss | Tambourine | Earth | DB | 753 |
Krillin v Tambourine |King Piccolo Saga, Dragon Ball
Loss | Goku | Earth | DB | 753 |
Goku v Krillin |Tien Shinhan Saga, Dragon Ball
Win | Chiaotzu | Earth | DB | 753 |
Krillin v Chiaotzu |Tien Shinhan Saga, Dragon Ball
Win | Big Fighter | Earth | DB | 753 |
Krillin v Big Fighter |Tien Shinhan Saga, Dragon Ball
Win | Antoine the Great | Earth | DB | 753 |
Krillin v Antoine the Great |Tien Shinhan Saga, Dragon Ball
Loss | Fangs the Vampire | Earth | DB | 750 |
Krillin v Fangs the Vampire |Fortuneteller Baba Saga, Dragon Ball
Win | Pirate Robot | Earth | DB | 750 |
Goku/Krillin v Pirate Robot |Red Ribbon Army Saga, Dragon Ball - Krillin teamed up with Goku against Pirate Robot in this fight. |
Loss | Master Roshi | Earth | DB | 749 |
Krillin v Master Roshi |Tournament Saga, Dragon Ball - Semi Finals of the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai. |
Win | Bacterian | Earth | DB | 749 |
Krillin v Bacterian |Tournament Saga, Dragon Ball - Quater Finals of the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai. |
Win | Big Bear | Earth | DB | 749 |
Krillin v Big Bear |Tournament Saga, Dragon Ball - This was a fight in the preliminary rounds of the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai. It wasn't long before Big Bear flew the white flag of surrender. |
Win | Shirtless Black Trousers | Earth | DB | 749 |
Krillin v Shirtless Black Trousers |Tournament Saga, Dragon Ball - This was a fight in the preliminary rounds of the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai. This unnamed fighter attacks Krillin with his famous Dragon Stomps only for Krillin to laugh them off causing the guy to surrender. |
Win | Orin Temple Monk | Earth | DB | 749 |
Krillin v Orin Temple Monk |Tournament Saga, Dragon Ball - Krillin goes face to face with one of his former bullies but manages to knock him out easily with a kick to his gut in the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai. |
Loss | Goku | Earth | DB | 749 |
Goku v Krillin |Tournament Saga, Dragon Ball
Krillin Blogs
Fight Statistics
Show | Fights | Wins | Wins % | Loss | Loss % | Draw | Draw % |
Dragon Ball | 14 | 8 | 57% | 6 | 43% | 0 | 0% |
Dragon Ball Z | 15 | 6 | 40% | 8 | 53% | 1 | 7% |
Dragon Ball Super | 9 | 6 | 67% | 1 | 11% | 2 | 22% |
All Shows | 38 | 20 | 53% | 15 | 39% | 3 | 8% |
Fighting Style
Krillin is an extremely clever and tactical fighter. Even though he doesn’t have the natural strength of Vegeta or Goku, he often uses quick thinking and teamwork to overcome stronger enemies.
He is trained in the art of Termit Hermit fighting, and is an adept at both Melee and Ki attacks. Not counting the Androids, Krillin is probably the strongest human, which is quite an accomplishment.
Like Goku, when Krillin was young he had a scrappy Melee style and relied on his superior strength to beat opponents. But when dealing with the aliens of Dragon Ball Z, Krillin incorporated more Ki into his fighting style, and took on the defensive/supportive role.
His most famous Ki attack is the Destructo Disk which he really made his own, almost killing Nappa and Frieza with.
Krillin prefers to fight alongside his friends, and often plays the role of the distraction/interfeerer to allow his more powerful allies to get in attacks. Krillin normally has a bag full of Sensu beans, meaning he can play medic to help his friends when they are in need of restoration.
Signature Moves
Destructo Disc
- The mighty destructo disk is so sharp it can cut any physical object. The technique allows the user to produce a far more powerful attack than there power level would suggest, and Krillin was able to use it to cut off Frieza's tail. Krillin also uses it cleverly to destroy objects like mountains to crush enemies.
- Although Goku is most famous for using this move, it is infact Master Roshi's technique and is taught to all Turtle Hermit students. Krillin first used it in the World Martial Arts tournament as a young lad.
Solar Flare
- Borrowed from Tien, the Solar Flare is a great defensive move that blinds opponents temporarily, allowing for a quick getaway. Krillin pioneers the Solar Flare X 100 during Dragon Ball Super.
All Transformations
Krillin Unlock Potential (From Grand Elder Guru)
- Krillin recieved a big power boost from Grand Elder Guru which unlocked his potential, giving him a big boost to his power level. Although this isn't a full transformation like Super Saiyan, it's the cloest thing Krillin gets.
What is Krillin's Win Loss Record?
Krillin's Win Loss Record is 20 - 15.
How many fights has Krillin been in?
Krillin has been in around 38 fights
How many fights has Krillin lost?
Krillin has lost 15 fights
How many fights has Krillin won?
Krillin has won 20 fights
What race is Krillin?
Krillin is a Earthling
Further Reading
- https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Krillin - The ultimate resource for all things Krillin
- http://www.dragonballz.com/exploretheuniverse/characters/krillin - The official Dragon Ball Z site. Not much in the way of content, but some great visuals.