Videl - Fight Profile

Videl  Profile Picture
Wins 0
Losses 1
Draws 0
Name: Videl
Videl Satan, Great Saiyawoman
Total Fights: 1
Greatest Allies Gohan, Mr Satan, Pan
Worst Enemies Spopovich
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2" /157 cm
Year of Birth Age 756
Residence Son Gohan Residence
Creator Akira Toriyama

Fight Record - All Videl Fights

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Result Opponent Location Show Age Info
Loss Spopovich Earth DBZ 774

Videl v Spopovich


World Tournament Saga, Dragon Ball Z

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Videl Blogs

Fight Statistics

Show Fights Wins Wins % Loss Loss % Draw Draw %
Dragon Ball Z 1 0 0% 1 100% 0 0%

Who is Videl?

Videl may look like an innocent girl, but she is actually one of the toughest fighters on Earth. Despite the disadvantage of not being trained in Ki, she still manages to rise to arguably the strongest non-Ki human, as it’s speculated she is stronger than he father, the might Mr Satan himself.

Even stronger than her punch is her determination, and when Videl sets her mind to something, her indomitable spirit finds a way to make it happen. Whether taking down a criminal on the street or learning to fly despite no Ki background, Videl, like other Dragon Ball characters, always finds a way to overcome her limitations.

But Videl’s bright future as a martial artist was cut short when she married Mr Pacifism himself Gohan and settled down to raise their child Pan and support Gohan in his academic studies.


What is Videl's Win Loss Record?

Videl's Win Loss Record is 0 - 1.

How many fights has Videl been in?

Videl has been in around 1 fights

How many fights has Videl lost?

Videl has lost 1 fights

How many fights has Videl won?

Videl has won 0 fights

What race is Videl?

Videl is a Human

Further Reading