About Dragon Ball Guru
Hey, my name’s Bill, and I’ve been a Dragon Ball fan for about 20 years now! I started watching it on Cartoon Network in the late 90s, during, I think, the Freiza saga, and watching Goku turn Super Saiyan for the first time was one of the coolest things I’d ever seen on TV! Some 20 years later, and I’ve abandoned most things I enjoyed as a child (I’m looking at you Pokemon, and your made up >151 Pokemon) but Dragon Ball Z has stayed with me!
I make WordPress sites as my day job, so thought I’d combine two of my passions and make a website about Dragon Ball! Partly to practice my coding skills and partly to release some of the useless Dragon Ball knowledge I’ve accumulated over the years. I’m by no means the most knowledgeable DB fan around the internet, Youtube seems to have the most Saiyan Savants these days, but I try my best. So I hope you enjoy looking around my site and let me know if you have any questions or can spot any mistakes on my blog.