All of Goku’s Gi Symbols ExplainedPiccolo - Fight Profile

Wins | 15 |
Losses | 15 |
Draws | 4 |
Name: | Piccolo |
Other Names: |
King Piccolo, Ma'ō, Junior |
Total Fights: | 34 |
Greatest Allies | Gohan, Goku, Krillin, Goten, Trunks |
Worst Enemies | Goku, Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta, Frieza, Cell |
Race: | Namekian |
Gender: | No Gender |
Height: | 7'5" 226 cm |
Year of Birth | Age 753 |
Residence | The Lookout |
Creator | Akira Toriyama |
Fight Record - All Piccolo Fights
Spot a mistake? Click here to let us know!Result | Opponent | Location | Show | Age | Info |
Win | Cell Max | Earth | DBS | 783 |
Gamma 1/Gamma 2/Gohan/Piccolo/Trunks/Goten/Android 18/Krillin v Cell Max |DBS: Super Hero Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Piccolo teamed up with Gamma 1 / Gamma 2 / Gohan / Trunks / Goten / Android 18 / Krillin against Cell Max in this fight. RIP Gamma 2 but the good guys did win the fight! |
Win | Gamma 2 | Earth | DBS | 783 |
Piccolo v Gamma 3 |DBS: Super Hero Saga, Dragon Ball Super
Loss | Gamma 2 | Earth | DBS | 783 |
Piccolo v Gamma 2 |DBS: Super Hero Saga, Dragon Ball Super
Loss | Damom | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Piccolo v Damom |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super
Win | Xiangca | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Piccolo v Xiangca |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super
Win | Gamisalas | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Piccolo/Gohan v Gamisalas |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Piccolo teamed up with Gohan against Gamisalas in this fight. |
Win | Saonel / Pilina | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Piccolo/Gohan v Saonel/Pilina |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Piccolo teamed up with Gohan against Saonel / Pilina in this fight. |
Loss | Prum / Harmira | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Gohan/Piccolo v Prum/Harmira |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Piccolo teamed up with Gohan against Prum / Harmira in this fight. While Gohan and Piccolo didn't officially lose they never really found their targets and ended up getting into more trouble and problems till Goku and Vegeta and Tien showed up |
Win | Rubalt | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Piccolo v Rubalt |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super
Win | Dium | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Gohan/Krillin/Piccolo/Master Roshi v Dium |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Piccolo teamed up with Gohan / Krillin / Master Roshi against Dium in this fight. |
Draw | Botamo / Lavender / Comfrey / Shosa / Dercori | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Gohan/Piccolo/Tien/Krillin/Master Roshi v Botamo/Lavender/Comfrey/Shosa/Dercori |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Piccolo teamed up with Gohan / Tien / Krillin / Master Roshi against Botamo / Lavender / Comfrey / Shosa / Dercori in this fight. |
Draw | Tien / Goku | Earth | DBS | 780 | |
Loss | Frost | Null Realm | DBS | 779 |
Piccolo v Frost |Universe 6 Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Frost cheated yet again but he still won the fight. |
Loss | Frieza | Earth | DBS | 779 | |
Win | Frieza Army | Earth | DBS | 779 |
Gohan/Jaco/Piccolo/Master Roshi/Tien/Krillin v Frieza Army |Golden Frieza Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Piccolo teamed up with Gohan / Jaco / Master Roshi / Tien / Krillin against Frieza Army in this fight. |
Loss | Beerus | Earth | DBS | 778 |
Beerus v Majin Buu/Trunks/Goten/Android 18/Tien/Piccolo/Gohan/Vegeta |God of Destruction Beerus Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Piccolo teamed up with Majin Buu / Trunks / Goten / Android 18 / Tien / Gohan / Vegeta against Beerus in this fight. If only Buu had shared the pudding then Beerus wouldn't have had to beat up so many Z Fighters, ruining Bulma's party. |
Loss | Majin Buu | Earth | DBZ | 774 | |
Draw | Majin Buu | Time Chamber | DBZ | 774 | |
Win | Babidi | Earth | DBZ | 774 |
Piccolo v Babidi |Majin Buu Saga, Dragon Ball Z
Loss | Dabura | Earth | DBZ | 774 |
Piccolo/Krillin v Dabura |Babidi Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Piccolo teamed up with Krillin against Dabura in this fight. Wasn't really a proper battle, but Dabura turned Piccolo and Krillin into stone with Goku and Vegeta sat back and watched. |
Loss | Supreme Kai | Earth | DBZ | 774 |
Piccolo v Supreme Kai |World Tournament Saga, Dragon Ball Z - While the fight technically doesn't happen Piccolo does forfeit and the match is called to Shin. |
Loss | Cell Juniors | Earth | DBZ | 767 |
Goku/Future Trunks/Piccolo/Vegeta/Krillin/Yamcha/Tien v Cell Juniors |Cell Games Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Piccolo teamed up with Goku / Future Trunks / Vegeta / Krillin / Yamcha / Tien against Cell Juniors in this fight. Even though Gohan interrupted the battle, it's clear most of the Z fighters were getting destroyed. If the fight had continued Krillin, Yamcha and Tien would have been killed quickly leaving the remaining Cell Juniors to gang up on the remaining fighters. |
Loss | Cell | Earth | DBZ | 767 |
Piccolo/Android 17 v Cell |Imperfect Cell Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Piccolo teamed up with Android 17 against Cell in this fight. |
Draw | Android 17 | Earth | DBZ | 767 |
Piccolo v Android 17 |Imperfect Cell Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Fight is interupted by Cell |
Win | Cell | Earth | DBZ | 767 |
Piccolo v Cell |Imperfect Cell Saga, Dragon Ball Z
Loss | Android 17 / Android 18 | Earth | DBZ | 767 |
Vegeta/Future Trunks/Piccolo/Tien v Android 17/Android 18 |Androids Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Piccolo teamed up with Vegeta / Future Trunks / Tien against Android 17 / Android 18 in this fight. |
Win | Dr Gero | Earth | DBZ | 767 |
Piccolo v Dr Gero |Androids Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Piccolo was winning the fight until Android 20 ran away. |
Loss | Frieza | Namek | DBZ | 762 | |
Loss | Nappa | Earth | DBZ | 762 |
Gohan/Tien/Piccolo/Krillin/Chiaotzu v Nappa |Vegeta Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Piccolo teamed up with Gohan / Tien / Krillin / Chiaotzu against Nappa in this fight. Nappa managed to wipe out Tien, Chatsou and Piccolo in this fight, leaving only Gohan and Krillin who were saved by Goku. A decisive victory for Nappa. |
Win | Saibamen | Earth | DBZ | 762 |
Piccolo/Krillin v Saibamen |Vegeta Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Piccolo teamed up with Krillin against Saibamen in this fight. Krillin does a good job of blasting the remaining Saibamen before Piccolo finishes them off. |
Win | Raditz | Earth | DBZ | 761 | |
Loss | Goku | Earth | DB | 756 |
Goku v Piccolo |Piccolo Jr. Saga, Dragon Ball
Win | Kami | Earth | DB | 756 |
Kami v Piccolo |Piccolo Jr. Saga, Dragon Ball - Kami was disguised as Hero |
Win | Krillin | Earth | DB | 756 |
Krillin v Piccolo |Piccolo Jr. Saga, Dragon Ball
Piccolo Blogs
Fight Statistics
Show | Fights | Wins | Wins % | Loss | Loss % | Draw | Draw % |
Dragon Ball | 3 | 2 | 67% | 1 | 33% | 0 | 0% |
Dragon Ball Z | 15 | 5 | 33% | 8 | 53% | 2 | 13% |
Dragon Ball Super | 16 | 8 | 50% | 6 | 38% | 2 | 13% |
All Shows | 34 | 15 | 44% | 15 | 44% | 4 | 12% |
Fighting Style
Piccolo has one the greatest fight IQs and keenest senses of any of the fighters. He is cool calm collected under pressure, and often makes the right tactical moves in battle to give himself the best chance of winning. Although he doesn’t always win, he always gives a good account of himself. While his Namekian body gives him several advantages in battle, it has also held him back, as he’s never going to reach the highs of a Saiyan.
Piccolo is a highly disciplined individual, and seems to be in a constant state of training, through meditation. While this technique did help him get fairly strong, it could also be holding him back. He’s got a lot of pride like Vegeta, and so doesn’t like being trained by others. Even when trained by the great King Kai he spent the whole time moaning, and didn’t really take his training to heart.
As a fighter Piccolo likes to start off slow, observing his enemy before making his game plan. If he can sit back and have a team mate start a fight, then all the better for him. After relaxing for the first few rounds, Piccolo normally formulates a plan to win, and often finds ways of outsmarting his opponent. Even if he isn’t strong enough to beat an enemy himself, he can normally provide a game plan to an ally with more power.
Another thing that makes Piccolo so formidable, and gives him advantages over humans and Saiyans, are his Namekian abilities. He has far superior eyesight and hearing, and can also regenerate lost limbs fairly quickly. Not to mention he can stretch his arms like Stretch Arm Strong. All of these neat tricks help him stay relevant, even though his power level may not be on par with his pals. Piccolo is definitely you want someone on your team.
Signature Moves
Special Beam Canon
- One of the most powerful attacks in Dragon Ball. This attack takes a long time to charge but produces a yellow beam with spiralling Ki surrounding it, that is several times stronger than it's user. It is charged by placing two fingers on your forehead and then released by pointing the two fingers at the target.
Eye Lasers
- An extremely quick and effective technique that can catch opponents off guard. The user can instantly fire 2 laser beams out of their eyes which acts as an electric shock to stun whoever they touch.
- This two handed attack can be charged and fired relatively quickly, and produces a large and powerful yellow Ki beam. The user puts his hands in front of him, points them at their target and shouts Masenko to fire it. Piccolo taught this technique to his favourite student Gohan in Dragon Ball Z.
- Due to Piccolo's Namek DNA he is able to regenerate any limbs that get destroyed or cut off. Although there is no limit to the amount of times he can do this it does take a lot of energy, meaning Piccolo needs to charge this ability.
What is Piccolo's Win Loss Record?
Piccolo's Win Loss Record is 15 - 15.
How many fights has Piccolo been in?
Piccolo has been in around 34 fights
How many fights has Piccolo lost?
Piccolo has lost 15 fights
How many fights has Piccolo won?
Piccolo has won 15 fights
What race is Piccolo?
Piccolo is a Namekian