All of Goku’s Gi Symbols ExplainedGohan - Fight Profile

Wins | 22 |
Losses | 15 |
Draws | 5 |
Name: | Gohan |
Other Names: |
Son Gohan |
Total Fights: | 42 |
Greatest Allies | Goku, Piccolo, Krillin, Chi-Chi, Bulma, Videl |
Worst Enemies | Raditz, Frieza, Cell, Majin Buu |
Race: | Saiyan/Earthling |
Gender: | Male |
Height: | 5ft 9in / 176 cm |
Year of Birth | Age 757 |
Residence | Son Gohan Residence |
Creator | Akira Toriyama |
Fight Record - All Gohan Fights
Spot a mistake? Click here to let us know!Result | Opponent | Location | Show | Age | Info |
Win | Cell Max | Earth | DBS | 783 |
Gamma 1/Gamma 2/Gohan/Piccolo/Trunks/Goten/Android 18/Krillin v Cell Max |DBS: Super Hero Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Gohan teamed up with Gamma 1 / Gamma 2 / Piccolo / Trunks / Goten / Android 18 / Krillin against Cell Max in this fight. RIP Gamma 2 but the good guys did win the fight! |
Win | Gamma 1 | Earth | DBS | 783 |
Gohan v Gamma 1 |DBS: Super Hero Saga, Dragon Ball Super
Win | Dyspo | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Frieza/Gohan v Dyspo |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Gohan teamed up with Frieza against Dyspo in this fight. Gohan sacrificed himself to eliminate Dyspo, so we are giving the win to both Frieza and Gohan. |
Draw | Toppo | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Gohan/Android 17 v Toppo |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Gohan teamed up with Android 17 against Toppo in this fight. |
Win | Agnilasa | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Agnilasa v Goku/Vegeta/Gohan/Android 17/Frieza |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Gohan teamed up with Goku / Vegeta / Android 17 / Frieza against Agnilasa in this fight. |
Win | Pancéa / Koitsukai / Borareta / Paparoni | Null Realm | DBS | 780 | |
Win | Gamisalas | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Piccolo/Gohan v Gamisalas |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Gohan teamed up with Piccolo against Gamisalas in this fight. |
Win | Saonel / Pilina | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Piccolo/Gohan v Saonel/Pilina |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Gohan teamed up with Piccolo against Saonel / Pilina in this fight. |
Win | Frost | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Frieza/Gohan v Frost |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Gohan teamed up with Frieza against Frost in this fight. |
Win | Jimizu | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Gohan/Frieza v Jimizu |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Gohan teamed up with Frieza against Jimizu in this fight. |
Loss | Prum / Harmira | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Gohan/Piccolo v Prum/Harmira |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Gohan teamed up with Piccolo against Prum / Harmira in this fight. While Gohan and Piccolo didn't officially lose they never really found their targets and ended up getting into more trouble and problems till Goku and Vegeta and Tien showed up |
Win | Obni | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Gohan v Obni |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super
Win | Botamo | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Gohan v Botamo |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super
Win | Dium | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Gohan/Krillin/Piccolo/Master Roshi v Dium |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Gohan teamed up with Krillin / Piccolo / Master Roshi against Dium in this fight. |
Draw | Botamo / Lavender / Comfrey / Shosa / Dercori | Null Realm | DBS | 780 |
Gohan/Piccolo/Tien/Krillin/Master Roshi v Botamo/Lavender/Comfrey/Shosa/Dercori |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Gohan teamed up with Piccolo / Tien / Krillin / Master Roshi against Botamo / Lavender / Comfrey / Shosa / Dercori in this fight. |
Loss | Goku | Earth | DBS | 780 |
Goku v Gohan |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super
Draw | Tien / Goku | Earth | DBS | 780 | |
Loss | Krillin | Earth | DBS | 780 |
Gohan v Krillin |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super
Draw | Lavender | Earth | DBS | 780 |
Gohan v Lavender |Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super
Loss | Frieza | Earth | DBS | 779 | |
Win | Captain Ginyu | Earth | DBS | 779 |
Gohan v Captain Ginyu |Golden Frieza Saga, Dragon Ball Super
Win | Frieza Army | Earth | DBS | 779 |
Gohan/Jaco/Piccolo/Master Roshi/Tien/Krillin v Frieza Army |Golden Frieza Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Gohan teamed up with Jaco / Piccolo / Master Roshi / Tien / Krillin against Frieza Army in this fight. |
Loss | Beerus | Earth | DBS | 778 |
Beerus v Majin Buu/Trunks/Goten/Android 18/Tien/Piccolo/Gohan/Vegeta |God of Destruction Beerus Saga, Dragon Ball Super - Gohan teamed up with Majin Buu / Trunks / Goten / Android 18 / Tien / Piccolo / Vegeta against Beerus in this fight. If only Buu had shared the pudding then Beerus wouldn't have had to beat up so many Z Fighters, ruining Bulma's party. |
Loss | Majin Buu | Earth | DBZ | 774 |
Gohan v Majin Buu |Fusion Saga, Dragon Ball Z - The birth of Buuhan...poor Gohan. |
Loss | Majin Buu | Earth | DBZ | 774 | |
Loss | Majin Buu | Earth | DBZ | 774 |
Gohan/Supreme Kai v Majin Buu |Majin Buu Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Gohan teamed up with Supreme Kai against Majin Buu in this fight. |
Win | Dabura | Earth | DBZ | 774 |
Gohan v Dabura |Babidi Saga, Dragon Ball Z - The fight was pretty even but Dabura ran away, so we are giving Gohan the victory. |
Loss | Spopovich / Yamu | Earth | DBZ | 774 |
Gohan v Spopovich/Yamu |World Tournament Saga, Dragon Ball Z
Win | Cell | Earth | DBZ | 767 | |
Loss | Cell | Earth | DBZ | 767 | |
Win | Cell Juniors | Earth | DBZ | 767 |
Gohan v Cell Juniors |Cell Games Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Gohan came there to chew gum and kick ass, and he was all out of gum. After he turned Super Saiyan 2 he destroyed all of the Cell Juniors easily. |
Loss | Cell | Earth | DBZ | 767 |
Gohan v Cell |Cell Games Saga, Dragon Ball Z
Loss | Frieza | Namek | DBZ | 762 | |
Loss | Frieza | Namek | DBZ | 762 | |
Win | Captain Ginyu | Namek | DBZ | 762 |
Vegeta/Goku/Gohan/Krillin v Captain Ginyu |Captain Ginyu Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Gohan teamed up with Vegeta / Goku / Krillin against Captain Ginyu in this fight. |
Loss | Recoome | Namek | DBZ | 762 | |
Win | Guldo | Earth | DBZ | 762 | |
Win | Frieza Army | Namek | DBZ | 762 |
Gohan/Krillin v Frieza Army |Namek Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Gohan teamed up with Krillin against Frieza Army in this fight. |
Draw | Dodoria | Namek | DBZ | 762 | |
Win | Vegeta | Earth | DBZ | 762 |
Goku/Krillin/Gohan/Yajirobe v Vegeta |Vegeta Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Gohan teamed up with Goku / Krillin / Yajirobe against Vegeta in this fight. This fight was very unfair to Vegeta, as he got ganged up on by all the remaining Z warriors. Vegeta turned into a great Ape but got his tail cutoff and slithered away in his spaceship. |
Loss | Nappa | Earth | DBZ | 762 |
Gohan/Tien/Piccolo/Krillin/Chiaotzu v Nappa |Vegeta Saga, Dragon Ball Z - Gohan teamed up with Tien / Piccolo / Krillin / Chiaotzu against Nappa in this fight. Nappa managed to wipe out Tien, Chatsou and Piccolo in this fight, leaving only Gohan and Krillin who were saved by Goku. A decisive victory for Nappa. |
Win | Raditz | Earth | DBZ | 761 |
Gohan Blogs
Fight Statistics
Show | Fights | Wins | Wins % | Loss | Loss % | Draw | Draw % |
Dragon Ball Z | 19 | 8 | 42% | 10 | 53% | 1 | 5% |
Dragon Ball Super | 23 | 14 | 61% | 5 | 22% | 4 | 17% |
All Shows | 42 | 22 | 52% | 15 | 36% | 5 | 12% |
Who is Gohan?
Gohan is the son of our favourite Saiyan Goku and Earth’s very own Chi-Chi. Ever since his appearance at the start of Dragon Ball, Z Gohan has been in the wars and proven himself time after time in battle against some terrifying opponents such as Vegeta, Frieza, Cell and Buu.
Ever since Gohan was a young child, he had this great hidden power within him that would only come out during moments of rage. He was able to headbutt Nappa, lay a few good punches on Frieza and even use this power to defeat Cell, becoming the first-ever Saiyan to achieve Super Saiyan 2. But it wasn’t until he had his potential unlocked by the Old Kai that he was truly able to tap into this potential.
Unfortunately, the domestic lifestyle and his academic pursuits prevented Gohan from staying as the strongest fighter in the universe, but he still stepped up to the plate when needed during the Tournament of Power in Dragon Ball Super.
Gohan, as part of the Son family, has one of the biggest families we witness in Dragon Ball. Of course, he has his father Goku and Mother Chi-Chi. As well as his brother Goten, Grandpa Ox-King, Other Grandpa Bardock, Grandma Gine, Uncle Raditz, Wife Videl, Daughter Pan and his father in law Mr Satan, to name a few. And of course we can’t forget about his “Uncle” Piccolo who turned him into the lean mean fighting machine we know and love.
Fighting Style
Gohan doesn’t have the natural love for fighting that his fully blooded Saiyan father has. Infact, I think it’s fair to say he doesn’t enjoy fighting or hurting people in general. However when fighting for his friends he is capable of turning into a demon, and uses his emotions as his main weapon when fighting.
When it comes to a fight camp then very few train hard than Gohan. But Gohan is one of those fighters who needs a date or they can’t motivate themselves to train. In between fights Gohan doesn’t train at all, and creates a lot of work for himself needing to refresh all of his fighting skills in training camps.
In battle Gohan generally starts off with a conservative and defensive fighting style, and tries to use teamwork and Piccolo’s stoic fighting style to win the fight with as little harm done as possible. However, Gohan can often fail short with his meek fighting style, and lacks the killer instinct of Vegeta or fight intelligence of Piccolo to overwhelm opponents. Because of this Gohan can often make sloppy mistakes, and make fights harder for himself then they need to be.
However rage Gohan is a different fighter altogether, and when the steaks are high Gohan turns into an absolute demon, and uses rapid fury attacks and the rage power boost he gets to win fights. Rage Gohan still doesn’t have the best fight IQ, and still makes sloppy mistakes, but his sheer power is often enough to overcome these mistakes. Gohan’s rage fighting style is characterised by bursts of rapid melee attacks and flurries of ki blasts aims not just to kill, but obliterate his opponents.
Signature Moves
- Gohan's most signature technique, a single powerful yellow beam is emitted from his hands. Gohan uses this by pointing his palms at his target and then shouting "Masenko". The louder he shouts, the more powerful attack it seems! Gohan learnt it while training with Piccolo.
- Like father like son, Gohan also learnt the mighty Kamehameha. The Kamehameha produces a powerful blue beam from the palms. Gohan's most famous use of this was the Father Son Kamehameha that finally finished off Cell.
All Transformations
Gohan Great Ape (Ōzaru)
- Like all Saiyans, Gohan was born with a tail which turns him into a great ape when there's a full moon. He gained a lot of power but didn't do it enough to be able to control it like some Saiyans.
Gohan Unlock Potential (From Guru)
- On Namek, Gohan gets a big power boost from the Grand Elder Guru. Guru is able to unlock their hidden potential by performing a quick ritual. It doesn't give any new powers or appearance, but gave Gohan a massive power boost.
Gohan Super Saiyan (SSJ1)
- Super Saiyan gives Gohan an incredible power boost, turns his hair yellow and makes his body emit a yellow glow. He learn it with Goku in the hyperbolic time chamber.
Gohan Super Saiyan 2 (SSJ2)
- Very similar to SSJ1, but also has blue lightening around the aura. Gives Gohan even more power, but made him extremely arrogant and reckless.
Gohan Great Saiyaman
- While technically not a transformation like the others, we love the Great Saiyaman so would be remiss if we didn't add it here. Similar to a Superhero putting on his costume, the Great Saiyaman transforms Gohan into the peoples hero and allows to fight crime anonymously on the streets.
Gohan Ultimate Form (Mystic Gohan)
- Gohan's most powerful transformation to date, and despite it's power boost, doesn't really alter his appearance apart from a transparent white glow when powering up. It's extremely energy efficient, and also has no drain. He achieved by this training with the Z sword and then having the performance ritual performed on him by Grand Elder Kai.
What is Gohan's Win Loss Record?
Gohan's Win Loss Record is 22 - 15.
How many fights has Gohan been in?
Gohan has been in around 42 fights
How many fights has Gohan lost?
Gohan has lost 15 fights
How many fights has Gohan won?
Gohan has won 22 fights
What race is Gohan?
Gohan is a Saiyan/Earthling
What does the name Gohan mean?
Gohan in Japanese means Cooked Rice, which is a pun on his Father Goku's name which can also mean the amount of food one eats in a year.
Further Reading
- https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Gohan - The Dragon Ball Fandom is the ultimate resource and features a lot of info on our favourite Half Saiyan Hybrid Gohan.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gohan - Although not as geeky or as indepth as the Dragon Ball Fandom page, wikipedia is always a very informative and well researched resource.