Android 18 - Fight Profile

Android 18  Profile Picture
Wins 13
Losses 4
Draws 1
Name: Android 18
18, Artificial Human 18, Cyborg 18
Total Fights: 18
Greatest Allies Krillin, Android 16, Android 17
Worst Enemies Cell, Dr Gero
Race: Android
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6" / 167cm
Year of Birth Age Unknown
Residence Krillin's House
Creator Akira Toriyama

Fight Record - All Android 18 Fights

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Result Opponent Location Show Age Info
Win Cell Max Earth DBS 783

Gamma 1/Gamma 2/Gohan/Piccolo/Trunks/Goten/Android 18/Krillin v Cell Max


DBS: Super Hero Saga, Dragon Ball Super

- Android 18 teamed up with Gamma 1 / Gamma 2 / Gohan / Piccolo / Trunks / Goten / Krillin against Cell Max in this fight. RIP Gamma 2 but the good guys did win the fight!

Loss Agnilasa Null Realm DBS 780

Agnilasa v Android 18


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

- She sacrificed herself to keep Android 17 in the tournament but she still got eliminated

Win Biarra Earth DBS 780

Android 17/Android 18 v Biarra


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

- Android 18 teamed up with Android 17 against Biarra in this fight.

Win Zirloin / Rabanra / Zarbuto Null Realm DBS 780

Goku/Android 17/Android 18 v Zirloin/Rabanra/Zarbuto


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

- Android 18 teamed up with Goku / Android 17 against Zirloin / Rabanra / Zarbuto in this fight.

Win Brianne de Chateau Null Realm DBS 780

Android 17/Android 18 v Brianne de Chateau


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

- Android 18 teamed up with Android 17 against Brianne de Chateau in this fight.

Win Catopesra Null Realm DBS 780

Android 17/Android 18 v Catopesra


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

- Android 18 teamed up with Android 17 against Catopesra in this fight. 17 interrupts and throws Catopesra away

Win Cocotte Null Realm DBS 780

Android 18 v Cocotte


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

Win Tupper / Zoire Null Realm DBS 780

Goku/Android 18 v Tupper/Zoire


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

- Android 18 teamed up with Goku against Tupper / Zoire in this fight.

Win Majora Null Realm DBS 780

Krillin/Android 18 v Majora


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

- Android 18 teamed up with Krillin against Majora in this fight.

Win Shosa Null Realm DBS 780

Krillin/Android 18 v Shosa


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

- Android 18 teamed up with Krillin against Shosa in this fight.

Win Sorrel Null Realm DBS 780

Android 18 v Sorrel


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

- While not shown its implied given after Hop says they got her, it cuts to 18

Draw Goku Earth DBS 780

Goku v Krillin/Android 18


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

- Android 18 teamed up with Krillin against Goku in this fight.

Loss Beerus Earth DBS 778

Beerus v Majin Buu/Trunks/Goten/Android 18/Tien/Piccolo/Gohan/Vegeta


God of Destruction Beerus Saga, Dragon Ball Super

- Android 18 teamed up with Majin Buu / Trunks / Goten / Tien / Piccolo / Gohan / Vegeta against Beerus in this fight. If only Buu had shared the pudding then Beerus wouldn't have had to beat up so many Z Fighters, ruining Bulma's party.

Loss Mr Satan Earth DBZ 774

Android 18 v Mr Satan


World Tournament Saga, Dragon Ball Z

- Mr Satan cleverly beat Android 18 with his patented delayed Megaton Punch.

Win Goten / Trunks Earth DBZ 774

Goten/Trunks v Android 18


World Tournament Saga, Dragon Ball Z

- The fight was pretty close, but Goten and Trunks ran away after Android 18 chopped their costume in half, so we give her the win.

Win Jewel Earth DBZ 774

Android 18 v Jewel


World Tournament Saga, Dragon Ball Z

Loss Cell Earth DBZ 767

Krillin/Android 16/Android 18/Future Trunks v Cell


Perfect Cell Saga, Dragon Ball Z

- Android 18 teamed up with Krillin / Android 16 / Future Trunks against Cell in this fight.

Win Vegeta / Future Trunks / Piccolo / Tien Earth DBZ 767

Vegeta/Future Trunks/Piccolo/Tien v Android 17/Android 18


Androids Saga, Dragon Ball Z

- Android 18 teamed up with Android 17 against Vegeta / Future Trunks / Piccolo / Tien in this fight.

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Android 18 Blogs

Fight Statistics

Show Fights Wins Wins % Loss Loss % Draw Draw %
Dragon Ball Z 5 3 60% 2 40% 0 0%
Dragon Ball Super 13 10 77% 2 15% 1 8%
All Shows 18 13 72% 4 22% 1 6%

Who is Android 18?

Android 18 is one of Dr Gero’s Androids designed to kill Goku. Although she was born as a regular human Dr Gero performed an unknown procedure that turned her into an Android with a limitless supply of energy, similar to her Twin Brother Android 17.

Although initially a villain of the Dragon Ball Universe, she soon allies with the Z warriors to fight the common enemy of Cell. After Cell is defeated she then marries Krillin and mothers a child with him named Maron.

Due to Motherhood Android 18 takes a bit of a back seat in the Dragon Ball Universe, and lets Krillin do most of the fighting. However when the entire universe is in peril she steps forward as one of the 10 team members in the tournament of Power, and helps Universe 7 win, ensuring the safety of everyone.


What is Android 18's Win Loss Record?

Android 18's Win Loss Record is 13 - 4.

How many fights has Android 18 been in?

Android 18 has been in around 18 fights

How many fights has Android 18 lost?

Android 18 has lost 4 fights

How many fights has Android 18 won?

Android 18 has won 13 fights

What race is Android 18?

Android 18 is a Android

Further Reading