Master Roshi - Fight Profile

Master Roshi  Profile Picture
Wins 15
Losses 3
Draws 1
Name: Master Roshi
Turtle Hermit, Jackie Chun, Kame-Sennin
Total Fights: 19
Greatest Allies Goku, Krillin, Yamcha, Bulma, Gohan
Worst Enemies King Piccolo, Raditz
Race: Earthling
Gender: Male
Height: 5'5" 165 cm
Year of Birth Age 430
Residence Kame House
Creator Akira Toriyama

Fight Record - All Master Roshi Fights

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Result Opponent Location Show Age Info
Win Frost / Auta Magetta Null Realm DBS 780

Vegeta/Master Roshi v Frost/Auta Magetta


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

- Master Roshi teamed up with Vegeta against Frost / Auta Magetta in this fight.

Win Ganos Null Realm DBS 780

Master Roshi v Ganos


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

Win Dercori Null Realm DBS 780

Master Roshi v Dercori


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

- Master Roshi used his evil containment wave to eliminate Dercori.

Win Caway Null Realm DBS 780

Master Roshi v Caway


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

Win Za Priccio Null Realm DBS 780

Master Roshi/Tien v Za Priccio


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

- Master Roshi teamed up with Tien against Za Priccio in this fight.

Win Dium Null Realm DBS 780

Gohan/Krillin/Piccolo/Master Roshi v Dium


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

- Master Roshi teamed up with Gohan / Krillin / Piccolo against Dium in this fight.

Draw Botamo / Lavender / Comfrey / Shosa / Dercori Null Realm DBS 780

Gohan/Piccolo/Tien/Krillin/Master Roshi v Botamo/Lavender/Comfrey/Shosa/Dercori


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

- Master Roshi teamed up with Gohan / Piccolo / Tien / Krillin against Botamo / Lavender / Comfrey / Shosa / Dercori in this fight.

Loss Goku Earth DBS 780

Goku v Master Roshi 2


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

Win Tien Earth DBS 780

Tien v Master Roshi


Universe Survival Saga, Dragon Ball Super

Win Frieza Army Earth DBS 779

Gohan/Jaco/Piccolo/Master Roshi/Tien/Krillin v Frieza Army


Golden Frieza Saga, Dragon Ball Super

- Master Roshi teamed up with Gohan / Jaco / Piccolo / Tien / Krillin against Frieza Army in this fight.

Loss King Piccolo Earth DB 753

Master Roshi v King Piccolo


King Piccolo Saga, Dragon Ball

- EVIL CONTAINMENT WAVE failed and Roshi died immediately after

Loss Tien Earth DB 753

Master Roshi v Tien


Tien Shinhan Saga, Dragon Ball

Win Man-Wolf Earth DB 753

Master Roshi v Man-Wolf


Tien Shinhan Saga, Dragon Ball

- Master Roshi is disguised as Jackie Chun here.

Win Fighter 178 Earth DB 753

Master Roshi v Fighter 178


Tien Shinhan Saga, Dragon Ball

- Master Roshi is disguised as Jackie Chun here.

Win Red Ribbon Army Earth DB 749

Master Roshi v Red Ribbon Army


Red Ribbon Army Saga, Dragon Ball

Win Goku Earth DB 749

Goku v Master Roshi


Tournament Saga, Dragon Ball

- Finals of the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai.

Win Krillin Earth DB 749

Krillin v Master Roshi


Tournament Saga, Dragon Ball

- Semi Finals of the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai.

Win Yamcha Earth DB 749

Master Roshi v Yamcha


Tournament Saga, Dragon Ball

- Quater Finals of the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai. Master Roshi was disguised at Jackie Chun.

Win King Piccolo Earth DB 461

King Piccolo v Master Roshi/Master Shen/Master Mutaito


King Piccolo Saga, Dragon Ball

- Master Roshi teamed up with Master Shen / Master Mutaito against King Piccolo in this fight.

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Master Roshi Blogs

Fight Statistics

Show Fights Wins Wins % Loss Loss % Draw Draw %
Dragon Ball 9 7 78% 2 22% 0 0%
Dragon Ball Super 10 8 80% 1 10% 1 10%
All Shows 19 15 79% 3 16% 1 5%

Who is Master Roshi?

Master Roshi, also known as the Turtle Hermit, is one of the wisest and most powerful humans ever to have lived, even though he looks like an old geezer! He’s been a student of martial arts for over 100 years and started his own Turtle School to teach youngsters the ways of the Turtle Hermit. Goku is probably his most famous student, but he also taught the likes of Krillin, Yamcha, Grandpa Gohan and the Ox-King.

Even though Master Roshi appears to be in a state of semi-retirement throughout Dragon Ball, he still manages to beat Goku in the World Martial Arts tournament during Dragon Ball and competes in the Tournament of Power to help save Earth. Still, he seems to spend most of his time living on his private island Kame House, watching TV and flicking through grown up magazines.

Fighting Style

Master Roshi is one of the greatest and most influential Martial Arts teachers on planet Earth. His main role in Dragon Ball was training the likes of Goku, Krillin and Yamcha, and teaching them the almighty Kamehameha.

Even though he is over 100 years old, he posses such a high fight IQ, and near perfect fighting technique, that he is able to fight opponents much younger and stronger than him. He’s a fighter who always punches above his weight, and even manages to knock out some extremely strong fighters during the tournament of power.

Most of the time when we see Master Roshi, he is in retirement and so not training. He doesn’t have a single fight in Dragon Ball Z. But we know that he’s dedicated his life to martial arts, spending countless decades perfecting his Ki techniques. And we know he started training in secret around the time of Dragon Ball Super. So we can only assume trains like a demon when in fight camp, and probably is the most diciplined and efficient trainer of all the Z fighters.

Due to lacking lightning fast speed and extended stamina, Master Roshi’s fighting style is very conservation and defensive, choosing wisely when to strike. His battle experience, sharp reflexes and technique more than makes up for his shortcomings, and he can often outmanoeuvre his opponents when in the right fight. In 1 v 1s against vastly surpior opposition like a Frieza, Cell or Majin Buu, Master Roshi wouldn’t stand much of a chance. But against similar level opposition, and as part of a team, Master Roshi’s best attributes can really shine.

Signature Moves

  • Kamehameha

    - This is Master Roshi's technique, so if it's anyones signature technique, it's definitely Master Roshi's. By concentrating his Ki into his palms and then shouting Kamehameha Master Roshi can produce a ginormous blue beam of energy, several times stronger than he is. While doing this technique his muscles and also known to grow massively in size, giving Master Roshi the added strength to control such a powerful attack.

    Master Roshi Kamehameha
  • Evil Containment Wave

    - This technique can be used to trap powerful opponents in a container, and secures them with a Demon Seal. The user uses their hands to control a green whirlwind, who then direct their victim into the container. It was taught to Master Roshi by his teacher Master Mutaito.

    Master Roshi Evil Containment Wave

All Transformations

  • Master Roshi Max Power

    - This transformation sees Master Roshi grow several feet in height, and his muscles becomes 10 times bigger. It gives him a slight power boost, but mainly allows him perform his techniques to maximum efficiency, like the Kamehameha.

    Master Roshi Full Strength


What is Master Roshi's Win Loss Record?

Master Roshi's Win Loss Record is 15 - 3.

How many fights has Master Roshi been in?

Master Roshi has been in around 19 fights

How many fights has Master Roshi lost?

Master Roshi has lost 3 fights

How many fights has Master Roshi won?

Master Roshi has won 15 fights

What race is Master Roshi?

Master Roshi is a Earthling

Further Reading