King Cold - Fight Profile

King Cold  Profile Picture
Wins 0
Losses 1
Draws 0
Name: King Cold
Cold Daiō
Total Fights: 1
Greatest Allies Frieza
Worst Enemies Goku, Future Trunks
Race: Frieza Race
Gender: Male
Height: 7ft 0in / 213.36cm
Year of Birth Age Unknown
Residence Frieza's Spaceship
Creator Akira Toriyama

Fight Record - All King Cold Fights

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Result Opponent Location Show Age Info
Loss Future Trunks Earth DBZ 764

Future Trunks v King Cold


Trunks Saga, Dragon Ball Z

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Fight Statistics

Show Fights Wins Wins % Loss Loss % Draw Draw %
Dragon Ball Z 1 0 0% 1 100% 0 0%

Who is King Cold?

King Cold is the true leader of the Frieza Force, and is father/mentor the Frieza. His existence was unknwon to the Z warriors until he came to Earth to try and get revenge for how Goku treated his poor son Frieza on Namek.

An imposing figure, King Cold towers at 7ft and was actually stronger than Frieza until Frieza took training seriously and worked on his Golden Form. In appearance King Cold looks like Frieza’s 2nd form, even though as far as we know this is his only form.


What is King Cold's Win Loss Record?

King Cold's Win Loss Record is 0 - 1.

How many fights has King Cold been in?

King Cold has been in around 1 fights

How many fights has King Cold lost?

King Cold has lost 1 fights

How many fights has King Cold won?

King Cold has won 0 fights

What race is King Cold?

King Cold is a Frieza Race

Further Reading